Curdlan Gum For Meat Balls

Curdlan Gum For Meat Balls

Project Description


E424 Curdlan Gum is a kind of fermentation product (also know as a kind of modified starch). Under normal temperature, Curdlan could swell after absorbing water, insoluble in water and alcohol. Curdlan is able to dissolve in alkalinous solution with pH above 11. After heating, Curdlan could absorb 50times water to form gels. 可德蘭膠可部分取代卡拉膠並釋放更好的性能.

As food additive, Curdlan could help to improve the moisture containing ability, Q-characteristics, stability, 增稠能力, 可以增強食品的加工能力和口感.

與卡拉膠相比, Curdlan Gum形成的質地更穩定 : 熱不可逆. 即使在高溫下, 產品的形狀不會改變 , 連味道都沒有變.
凝固膠水分 / 保油能力也優於卡拉膠。而凝固膠和卡拉膠, 魔芋膠和瓜爾豆膠 LBG 可以混合以獲得更好的性能.

現在可得然膠廣泛應用於無肉品中 , 肉 , 麵條, 和烘焙業賦予產品彈性和強大的膠凝性能.

一些典型的應用領域是 : 植物性肉製品, 漢堡, 無肉海參 , 無肉鮑魚, 香腸 , 肉丸製品, 無肉雞, 豆腐製品, 仿生素食 , 麵條和烘焙產品.

For meet balls or fish balls, they need a very strong Q-Elastic Characteristics and keep very good shape even in boiling water, when you add 0.1%-1% Curdlan Gum E424 food additives into your recipes, you would see it’s so easy to get your expected texture.

The use of E424 Food Additive Curdlan Gum is very easy : just add with other materials together during the tumbling procedure. It would release below advantages for your meat balls or fish balls:

◆Improve the rough mouth feel of meat balls, make the meat balls taste smooth and looks shinning.

◆Improve obviously the oil and water rentention meat balls, with better texture.

◆Reduce the water loss rate of frozen and melting.